Digit span
Digit span

digit span

For example, if the proposed measure is a questionnaire, the score on the measure should indicate the activity of the target process, and it must have strong psychometric properties. The second stage of validation requires demonstration that the level and change in level of the chosen mechanistic target can be Measured with the proposed measure (assay). This evidence may include references for the proposed measure, or theoretical support for the construct that the proposed measure is intended to assess. The first stage of validation requires a measure to be Identified within the field there must be theoretical support for the specific measure of the proposed mechanistic target or potential mechanism of behavior change. The SOBC Validation Process includes three important stages of evaluation for each proposed measure: Identification, Measurement, and Influence. Within the SOBC Measures Repository, researchers have access to measures of mechanistic targets that have been (or are in the processing of being) validated by SOBC Research Network Members and other experts in the field.


The experimental medicine approach involves: identifying an intervention target, developing measures to permit verification of the target, engaging the target through experimentation or intervention, and testing the degree to which target engagement produces the desired behavior change. The SOBC program aims to implement a mechanisms-focused, experimental medicine approach to behavior change research and to develop the tools required to implement such an approach. By integrating work across disciplines, this effort will lead to an improved understanding of the underlying principles of behavior change. The Science of Behavior Change (SOBC) program seeks to promote basic research on the initiation, personalization and maintenance of behavior change. The dependent measure, digit span, is the maximum number of digits correctly recalled. The task concludes after participants make errors for two trials in a row for a given digit span.


After a failed trial (i.e., if any digits are missing and/or if the exact order of digits is wrong), the number of digits presented remains the same for the next trial. For both variants of the task, after each successfully completed trial, the number of digits presented increases by one for the next trial. In the backward-span variant, at the end of each list participants attempt to recall the digits in the reverse order they appeared. In the forward-span variant, at the end of each list participants attempt to recall the digits in the order they appeared by typing them via keypress. The task exists with two variants: forward-span and backward-span.


On each trial participants are presented with a series of digits appearing one at a time on a computer screen (e.g., 3, 4, 1, 2, 7, 8). Although the original version of this task was verbally administered, recent versions are generally administered via computer. The Digit Span Task is a simple behavioral measure of working memory capacity, the cognitive ability to store and manage information on a transient basis.

Digit span